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Mattering at Work!!!

Capella Fahoome

In 2022, the U.S. Surgeon General identified "mattering at work" as an essential priority for enhancing mental well-being, emphasizing the profound connection between our sense of significance and overall well-being. This call to action highlights a pivotal shift in how we perceive and relate to each other at work. It has driven many to reassess their job satisfaction and workplace cultures.

Recent research reveals that employees leave roles not for better pay or benefits but due to environments where they feel undervalued.

Recent research reveals that employees leave roles not for better pay or benefits but due to environments where they feel undervalued. As we navigate this new world of rapidly advancing technology, AI, and in-person/virtual work environments, we need to pay special attention to feelings of safety, inclusion, and engagement; fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and essential is vital. Mattering—feeling valued and adding value, from the research of Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD—can transform our workplaces and improve mental well-being for all. Let's prioritize creating environments where every individual knows they genuinely matter! 

Some suggestions from the U.S. Surgeon General to assist in creating work environments that nurture mattering: 

  1. Provide a living wage

  2. Engage team members in workplace decisions

  3. Build a culture of gratitude and recognition

  4. Connect individual work with organizational mission

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